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During this phase of the selection process, we spend time getting to know your company and your project team. We also select preferred geographic areas, determine your site or building preferences, create a job type and wage analysis, discuss utility requirements, timeframe for completion and total investment for the project. You will be rewarded by spending a lot of time in this phase because we will be able to clearly articulate your project's needs in order to get the best proposals possible.


In this phase, we take the parameters established in when we defined your project and develop a Request for Information (RFI). Once we receive the information, we will evaluate each one based upon the predetermined metrics important to your project, such as location/logistics, workforce, education & training, taxes, potential incentives and many other variables. After this process is completed, we will present you with a list of communities that fit the general criteria of the project. At that time, we can send out another RFI requesting more details to those communities or we can move forward to the next step in the selection process.

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As access to data is becoming easier to obtain and evaluate, properties characteristics are often included in the initial or secondary RFI with the items mentioned above. Some of the ways we will assess sites with be based upon their location, condition of the site or building, utility connectivity, a review of geotechnical and archaeological reports and a review of the required development planning, permitting and zoning for the jurisdiction.  We will combine this information and score it with the information obtained with the community and state evaluations. Once this is completed, we will submit a short list to your company. The length of the list will be determined by your company and the quality of the proposals we receive.  

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We will work with you on determining which sites you would like to visit based upon all of the information we have received. We will then coordinate your schedule with the local community and oversee all aspects and planning of the visit. After the visits are completed, we will take all of the data we had accumulated from the RFIs and the site visits to determine if any sites need to be eliminated from consideration. The overall process may include more than one site visit to a community based upon the specifics of the project and the company. We will continue to gather data and ask questions to communities that are still up for consideration.

Stock Exchange

Once we establish a list of finalist locations, we will request specific incentive information from them, the state, utility partners and all others that may offer incentives to your company. We will begin to negotiate with these parties to ensure you are maximizing your incentive opportunities in exchange for your company's investment. We will compile these incentives with the other information about the community and present to you our recommended finalist site or sites for your consideration.

Image by Cytonn Photography

During this final phase, we formalize all incentives, property acquisition/lease pricing and other necessary items into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the company and the community and related parties. Once this is complete, we will do a final review and evaluation with your team to ensure the company is 100% confident in their location decision and they are ready to move forward. After this meeting, the community will be notified that they have been awarded the project and formal contracts will be executed.

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